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Fir  is a place for those who love

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An ideal place for on-site registration, photo shoots

"Fir" is located in a picturesque forest on the territory national park "Lower Kama". A cozy pond surrounded by a centuries-old forest, the cleanest air, a private pier on the Kama
 luxurious picturesque nature.


We strive to share the most exciting and important moments in our lives with people close and dear to us, and thanks to the picturesque surroundings your solemn day will remain in memory for many years!

Как проехать: 10 км от Боровецкого моста: выезжаем из города, с кольца повернем направо, проезжаем мимо_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_of the spring, move further, to of the main gate of Borovinka village, shortly after which turn to the left (4.3 km), away from the bridge Whitebeard. 

Somewhat before Belousa (5 km after the turn or 9.3 from the bridge), turn left— there is a pointer. After turning towards Pikhta - 1 km: we pass the first houses, move straight along a high wooden fence,   we see a white gate with a picturesque lattice - you are there.

Navigator coordinates: 55.852177, 52.459643


Набережные Челны, Пихта на Google Maps
Набережные Челны, Пихта на Яндекс Картах
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